Admissions Checklist

These are some of the essential things to accomplish before entering Mississippi State University as a music student.

  • Visit the MSU Office of Admissions and Scholarships webpage to become familiar with the procedures to be admitted to the university and to be considered for university-wide scholarships.
  • Learn about your housing options. Students at MSU live in the dormitories, the honors dorms, in off-campus apartments, and sometimes commute from home. To learn more about on-campus housing go to If you plan to live on campus, be sure to begin the housing application process early, as you will be given greater preference in hall and roommate assignments.
  • Schedule an audition with the music department. Contact the Music Department Office to make arrangements. Those who audition earlier will find that more money is still available for scholarships. Plan to come to campus for an audition early in the academic year before you plan to enter college.
  • Practice over the summer so that you are playing and singing your best when it comes time for fall auditions for placement within ensembles.